Monday, December 30, 2013

  Another year over and I'm ready for some change. I just turned 30 last week and I'm still living close to the same life I was living 12 years ago (except I work full-time instead of part-time).  I think spending time with old friends over the past few weeks and seeing and hearing all the amazing things they are doing just made me realize how unhappy I am with my own life. I've decided this is going to be my year. I'm going to lose those last 20 lbs., I'm going to build up my savings, and I'm going to get the hell out of Jacksonville.
     That last one might be where I find the most resistance. I'm currently living with my mom and helping her raise my nephews. I love all three of them, but I'm not happy in Jacksonville. As we moved here when I was 13, I obviously had no say in the matter. I think because of that, I've never felt like this was home. It just feels like an overextended stop-over. Part of me wants to move back to Michigan, but I'm aware that the economy is worse there than in other parts of the country. I think to get the most out of my political science degree I'm working towards, Virginia is where I need to be. Northern Virginia to be exact.
     As for my other two goals, I think those will be easier. I'm paranoid about putting back on any of the weight I've already lost, so that helps me with keeping my eating under control. I've also slowly started to incorporate jogging into my walks. As for saving, I'm going to participate in the Compact. For those who don't know, the Compact is where you don't buy anything new (with a few exceptions). I plan on trying to keep my purchases limited to cash I have on hand (resist the debit card!) and any change I have at the end of the day will go in my coke bottle bank.
     Actually, I'm going to add one more goal for the new year. Find a new job. I've been working at the same place for 14 years now and I'm beyond over it. Upper management and the corporate management act like this place is the only thing that matters, and oh how wrong they are. Realistically, I'd like to find something new before I have to start taking vacation time. That way, they'll have to pay me for any vacation time I have left. Which would be roughly 150 hours. That would be a very nice going away present.