Wednesday, January 1, 2014

new year!

        Well, it's day one of the new year. For the most part, so far so good on keeping with the resolutions I have made. That may not seem that impressive, but I usually don't even make resolutions since I break them within hours of making them. So what have I done to keep my resolutions?
          First, I cleaned my room. I got rid of clothing that was too big, was worn be on repair, or I just no longer needed. That being said, I still have a completely full closet and an almost full dresser. I may have to see what I can do to condense further. Another great thing about cleaning was all the I found. I am forever just setting change down and forgetting it. So as I was cleaning today I found almost $3 in change today! Might not seem like much, but it adds up.
          Another resolution I've kept is eating healthy. This shouldn't be too hard as I have been working on eating healthier for the past few months. I've done pretty good losing weight and I don't plan on putting it back on. The other aspect of being healthy is working out. Unfortunately, it's been raining all day so that put a damper on getting my 3 miles in.
          Lastly, I haven't left the house all day. Which means I haven't had to go out and risk the temptation of spending money. I will spend a little on Friday going out for dinner with coworkers, but I have a gift certificate to the restaurant we are going to (thanks Belinda and Jim!), so I should only have to spend a few dollars out of pocket.
         Hopefully I will continue to stick with my resolutions. If I do, this will definitely make my goals for the year attainable. This will be my year!

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